
It continues to amaze me how my life continues to change and evolve, even when I think things are fairly constant. I am convinced more now than ever, my life is about change and how I deal with it… fact, I am not unique to that….I know a lot of people in this same place.
So what is changing now in my life. I have stepped into being the musician that I have always wanted to be……just never could give myself permission to. Life has a funny way of continually putting this in front of me until I saw it. All the skills that I have amassed up to this point in my life are to help me create music and healing in my life…….in most cases, they are one in the same.
My blog as you have known it will change. I will still send out my emails, yet it will take on a different look and feel. They will be regular, just not necessarily weekly. I am blessed that I have been writing my blogs now for over 3 years now and I am so grateful for all of you who take the time to share my life with you. ….thank you.
As one of my friends and mentors used to tell me…… “Stan, you have a lot of impacted wisdom and when you get it out, you are the happiest and healthiest.” There is a lot of truth to that as when I share and connect the wisdom that is given to me, I feel joy. I love to connect and to help others on their journeys by letting them know they are not alone. This is also why I write music.
I put a recommended reading/music piece on my mailers now because I do run across information that I need to share. This first book by Brene Brown is all about shame and it is POWERFUL. I really connected with her work. I did not realize when I bought the book, that it was written about women (one on men is in the works) and in most cases…shame is shame… and women just manifest and process it differently.
So thank you for caring enough to share my life with you. I will continue to do this, it will just look differently. I am also interested in your stories and I read all my comments to my blogs and emails and am always grateful when you share with me……so what do you want to share about change???? Happy New Year……it’s going to be perfect.