The song that the CD was named after is called Flyin Blind. This is a song that I wrote with Gordon Brown and written after a dream he had combined with my outlook on life. It is interesting how many people see flying blind as a negative thing……not the healing peace that I wrote about.
What I find interesting is that I have not yet met one person who knows what next week will bring, or even tomorrow. We simply cannot tell the future…..that is why our lives are so interesting. So in essence…..aren’t we all flying blind. I dropped the “g” on flying because I am from Texas and my French girlfriend tells me I drop the “g” on a lot of words…..eatin, drinkin, playin, etc…….what can I say……she is riht……or is it right…..see how I do that.
Anyway, this song is about faith and hope. With faith and hope I know that whatever comes in life, I am OK. In fact, when I get to a place of total faith and I am really present life becomes very clear for me because I am in the present and I am aware of everything around me. I truly can see clearly when I get to that spot.
My work is that getting and STAYIING in that space. So that is why I write these songs. They continually remind me to stay present, to keep faith in my heart and to know that anything is possible at Hope Studios ….. my studio and my name.
Side note: I just received my CDs from the duplicator and within the next two weeks I will have my songs on I tunes, Amazon, and CD Baby for purchase of the CD or individual tracks. I will let you know when that happens. I am very proud of this.
Flyin Blind
Flyin blind through the trees,
Just to feel what it’s like___ on the other side,
They sing to me, makin’ the sky open wide,
I feel your waves and my connections,
To the passions of my life,
I see so clearly___ when I’m Flyin Blind
It’s always what I want it to be,
Flyin Blind through the trees,
Open up to what it can be,
I see so clearly___when I’m Flyin Blind
Alone we went through the night,
Just to see what it’s like__ on the other side,
Open my heart, and keep it open wide,
I feel your waves and my connections,
To the passions of my life,
I see so clearly___ when I’m Flyin Blind
It’s always what I want it to be,
Flyin Blind through the trees,
Open up to what it can be,
I see so clearly___when I’m Flyin Blind