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In the recording studio, when the red light goes on it is time to record. It is time to do what you came for……it is game time. I had one of those moments this week. I started a 16 week intensive course on Studio Engineering and Pro Tools.

I have been looking for a structured program on learning to record and use Pro Tools and nothing was matching up with what I was looking for. I was not looking to become a 4 year degreed Studio Engineer and I was looking for more than just a few informal lessons. Synchronicity struck last week and now I am on my way. I found a great studio in the Heights called 226 Recordings. The owner is Paul Cox and he is wonderfully brilliant studio engineer, father, lover of recording music, and most of all a great teacher with lots of passion. I have always called into my life my teachers as I needed them….and with no surprise, it happened again.

I have always loved music and as I tell everyone, it is the one place where time stands still. I feel the same way about the recording process. In this course I will learn everything that I wanted and much more. We are learning everything from using Pro Tools to how to make instrument and mic cables.

When I am in class it is the fastest 3 hours of my day. I truly feel this is not only the obvious winner but it is also a start to building a new community of musicians and recording professional as well as it takes me one step closer to combining music, healing, sound, and coaching into a unique direction that has not quite unveiled itself.

I am so blessed to be able to this and have the time, and I also honor myself for always following my dream…..even when it was unpopular with me or others in my life. I now have the support and means to make this happen and I am thrilled. So enough of the blog today, I have homework and I can’t wait to get started……tomorrow is our first day to deal with signal flow and Pro Tools…..turn on the red light.

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